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Python is a well-established language with tons of libraries and pretty great syntax that most beginners could handle. It has an extensive standard library with modules for file I/O, network programming and regular expressions. With powerful anomalous typing and object-oriented features, Python is able to create robust applications. Python has a vast ecosystem of libraries and modules which can be included in projects.

Related Glossary

Internet Speed Test

An internet speed test provides details on the upload and download rates of your internet connection. This simple tool can help you find out whether or not your provider is delivering the speeds they claim to provide, as well as spot potential network issues.

3 min

A Download is transferring data from a remote server on the internet to another device or system for archiving, saving, or editing. Usually, this means getting on the Internet and downloading some files or retrieving some resources stored elsewhere.

3 min
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) is a high-speed switching technology developed specifically for networks that can transmit both voice and data traffic. It offers the benefits of using any kind of data such as voice, video calls etc.

3 min
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